See What's Happening At FirstNSB

What's Happening at FirstNSB


All 2 year olds (by September 1) – 5th graders are invited on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm (during the school year) for a fun night of handbook time, Bible stories and games.


FirstNSB Students (Middle & High Schoolers) meet every Thursday from 6 – 8 pm in the Youth Room, for food, fellowship, and weekly Bible Study


FirstNSB offers multiple groups during multiple times during the week to connect with others in our community to help you grow in your faith.

Cheer Pack Packing Party

We would love for everyone to come and work together as a church family! Donations can be dropped off prior to Sept. 28th at the 4G’s table or in the church office.

Cheer Pack Packing Party
Saturday, Sept. 28th at 9am

Next Steps

Our Next Steps class is a great place to learn about what your next step at FirstNSB could be.
Register here for Next Steps

Next Steps: 
Sunday, Sep. 29th at 12pm

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry Gathering takes place on the first Saturday of every month that consists of breakfast and Bible Study in the Café.

Next Men's Gathering:
Saturday, Oct. 5th at 8am

Beach Baptism

Women's Ministry Gathering

Baptism is an important step in our life as a Christian.
If you are interested in baptism please contact us.

Beach Baptism
Sunday, Oct 6th at 5pm
The Women’s Ministry Gathering is on the second Saturday of each month for fellowship and bible study in the Café.

Next Women's Gathering:
Saturday, Oct. 12th at 9am