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For Worship

Sundays 9:00 & 10:30AM

Our vision is to be a
disciple-making church
that is growing in our love
for God and all people
and that is raising up
the next generation of disciples
to reach our community
and the world
for Jesus.

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Growing in your faith

Resources For You


The Make and Mature Podcast

The SOURCE is a weekly publication from FirstNSB to inform our church family about what is going on in the life of our church! It contains announcements from multiple ministries, as well as promotional material for upcoming events and activities. This communication is updated each Wednesday.
Click the link below to check out this week's SOURCE.
The Make and Mature Podcast is a new resource from FirstNSB, designed to help fulfill our mission of making and maturing disciples. Each episode of this podcast, led by our Pastoral team, will contain further discussion and application from that week's sermon or address other issues such as Christianity and culture, personal spiritual disciplines or answering theological questions.