See What's Happening At FirstNSB

What's Happening at FirstNSB


All 2 year olds (by September 1) – 5th graders are invited on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm (during the school year) for a fun night of handbook time, Bible stories and games.


FirstNSB Students (Middle & High Schoolers) meet every Thursday from 6 – 8 pm in the Youth Room, for food, fellowship, and weekly Bible Study


FirstNSB offers multiple groups during multiple times during the week to connect with others in our community to help you grow in your faith.

Senior Adult Lunch

Senior Adults, come join us for lunch at HalfWall NSB.

Senior Adult Lunch
February 20th @11:30AM

Hot Meals

The location for the hot meals is at First United Methodist Church, 310 Douglas Ave in NSB.
FirstNSB participates in serving with Community Hot Meals the first Monday of the month.

Community Hot Meals
March 3rd @11:30AM

Senior Adult Pancake Breakfast

Senior Adults, come join us for some pancakes, fellowship, and the Word in our Cafe!

Pancake Breakfast
March 5th 9:00-10:30AM